Aim & Partners
Environmental degradation, advances in biomedicalization, and rampant digitalization are three major contemporarychallenges, coextensive with scientific-technological civilization itself. ETHICS4CHALLENGES aims at addressing themthrough flexible ethics education pathways to inculcate the necessary ethical awareness in students of all backgrounds(engineering, sciences, social and human sciences) and foster critical thinking about science/technology in a way thatadvances core European values
ETHICS4CHALLENGES draws on a unique set of partners, from humanities departments embedded in establishedengineering and science schools in Turkey (METU) and Greece (NKUA) to a new social sciences unit from Germany (EUV)and a European university association, specializing in education on science-technology from the human and social sciences(ESST). They aim to develop an online educational platform for modular course design, based on the creation of an ethicshandbook and a case-study inventory
Expected Results
ETHICS4CHALLENGES will impact greatly on ethics education in the academic and non-academic sectors (business,government, scientific associations, NGOs). Acknowledging this, eight international ethics committees and associationshave agreed to help with civic engagement and expert advice. The longer-term benefit will be the cultivation of an ethicalawareness that fosters EU values and a community of citizens, while respecting particular cultural differences and historicaltrajectories
Funded By
ETHICS4CHALLENGES is funded by the Erasmus+ KA220 program, agreement numbered [2022-1-TR01-KA220-HED-000089082]