Crafting exam questions that foster active engagement and critical thinking

For the midterm assignment, a thought-provoking question is posed: “Reflect on an ethical conflict or dilemma you’ve personally encountered. How did you navigate it, and how would your approach differ now, given hindsight?” This approach recognizes the value of incorporating experiential learning, particularly in fields like medicine. Seeking students’ consent, sharing and discussing their responses to this question in class is encouraged. Organizing students into groups, they engage in lively discussions revolving around these authentic case studies. This interactive approach is praised for its productivity in addressing real-world challenges faced by students, as evidenced by their feedback.

In the final exam, students are presented with stimulating scenarios: “Put yourself in the shoes of a dean or a health minister. How would you tackle an ethical dilemma? Alternatively, if tasked with formulating a code of ethics, what fundamental principles would you prioritize?” These thought-provoking questions stimulate critical thinking and the application of ethical frameworks in practical situations.

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